language: English

  • EPALE – Economic platform for adult learning in Europe

    A webpage with a large number of MOOCS and resources for organisation related to adult learning. It has a clear pedagogical dimension adding value to the Social entrepreneurs

  • seakademieX: Enabling Entrepreneurs to Shape a Better World

    Get equipped with the latest tools and social impact insights to develop your own entrepreneurial potential to solve the world’s biggest problems.

  • The InnoWise MOOC

    The project aimed to, first, identify skills shortages in Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) and then, to help WISEs to tackle those shortages through the development of a new ICT platform and trainings (face to face and MOOC)

  • Social economy in Europe

    Víctor Meseguer, director of Social Economy Europe, presented the main objectives of the Social Economy Action Plan and brought some success stories from the social economy sector. – 39 key initiatives – a common framework for defining the social economy sector – 3 pillars of action: creating a legal framework for the development of social…

  • FEBEA – the journey in ethical finance

    An inspiring story about the journey in impact investing and ethical finance, shared by Daniel Sorrosal, Secretary General of FEBEA, the European Federation of Ethical Banks and Alternative Financiers. This is a recording from the Enterprising for Tomorrow Conference 2022, organized by ADV Romania foundation, a promoter of social economy in Romania and the Eastern…

  • Financing instruments for social enterprises

    Dónal Traynor, Community Finance Ireland speech at the Enterprising for Tomorrow Conference

  • How to tell and sell your story better

    A whole bunch of storytelling supremos shared their insights at Good Stories last month – here’s a one-minute recap of some of their top tips.

  • What makes a top social enterprise

    The 2019 Natwest SE100 recognises the leading social enterprises in the UK. But what does a top-performing social enterprise look like, exactly? Here, we illustrate these attributes in the form of a super-human social entrepreneur. Our interviewees – seasoned leaders with a wealth of experience and many a war wound between them – share their…

  • #WeBuySocialEU – Socially responsible public procurement

    Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) is about achieving positive social outcomes in public contracts. By purchasing wisely, public buyers can promote employment opportunities, decent work, social inclusion, accessibility, design for all, ethical trade, and seek to achieve wider compliance with social standards. Public buyers across Europe are starting to take advantage of these opportunities and…

  • Storytelling for social enterprises

    Cemal Ezel on using storytelling to create empathy.